Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bored! (a.k.a. no motivation)

Today has been a slow day.  Well, I guess it’s just been a slow afternoon.  I was working like crazy this morning, the fruit of which was a fabulous repeat of Glorious Result #2.  One more repeat of that (assuming the dumb mice ever breed), and my longsuffering manuscript from my work as an undergrad will be completed and submittable.  Once I find it and freshen it up and add references that aren’t 5 years out of date.  I think the end is finally in sight for that project.

And now here I sit, not wanting to do anything.  I tried to talk TM into letting me go home early today since crazy PI is “working from home”, but that’s a separate rant.  I need to get up and do something worthwhile.  I wanted to go home and get some writing done, and I’m supposed to be reviewing a paper that Golden Post-doc wants to submit by the end of the week.  All good stuff to do at home.  But nooooo…TM insists that there is grand science to be done.  Maybe I’ll get up and do a little something.  Motivation is definitely lacking.  

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